Monday, February 11, 2008

Good Morning!

Evan is still sick so I am home today. The boys are currently playing with trucks on the couch. I have not heard, "That not for you baby Wuke!" in the past two minutes which means that it is coming soon. All weekend Evan ran a fever with a cough and runny nose. He did not want to do much of anything so we saw a lot of Thomas and this show we have taped from the History Channel on freight trains. I attempted to call the doctor this morning and by 10 a.m. their voice mail system was full, I couldn't leave a message! There are a lot of sick kids right now. On Saturday night Evan went to bed a little late but made up for it on the other end. He slept until 11:45 a.m. He must have needed all the extra rest. The sleeping in was short lived because he was up at 5:30 this morning, not very chipper though. I hope everyone has a good day. It is cold here in Michigan so we will be playing inside. Evan just hopped up on my lap. Probably because he wants to watch snow plow trains or garbage trucks on YouTube! See Ya!


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