In this picture, Luke looks like he's surveying the train track and being very gentle at "Evan's" train table. This is the calm before the storm. As soon as Luke gets a good grip, he usually rips a big chuck of track off the train table and waves it in the air. Evan is less than enthusiastic about his little brother playing trains. Evan typically tells Luke, "No Baby Luke! That's not for you!" Then Evan looks to Jen or I to pull Luke away
and fix the track. Now that Evan has GeoTrax as well, we figured that Luke could play at the train table while Evan played on the floor with the new trains. Unfortunately, it hasn't turned out that way. Evan is very protective of both train tracks, even if he's not playing with them! He
doesn't mind if Luke plays with the trains, but if Luke messes with the track, Evan really doesn't like it. On the positive side, both boys seem to enjoy trains! The Henry Ford Museum is restoring the cab of the Allegheny steam train, and Evan is looking forward to going to sit inside! He is still concerned that the train is going to start up. Kathy and I have tried to convince him otherwise, but he is still cautious. We shall see!
The guest writer,
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